
汤丰收, 张新友, 董文召, 殷冬梅, 赵冬梅
花生学报, 1999, (3) : 18-20  DOI: 10.14001/j.issn.1002-4093.1999.03.005;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 豫花11号; 选育

豫花11号是河南省农科院经作所针对河南及周边省份夏播花生飞速发展的形势,选育而成的早熟高产优质大果花生新品种。在省区试、省生产试验及全国区试中,荚果和籽仁产量分别达到4150 kg/hm2和3000 kg/hm2,均比对照种增产10%以上,在示范中,每公顷荚果产量突破7500 kg。亚油酸含量38.88%,超过国家“九五”攻关指标37%近两个百分点。生育期120天左右,适合于一年两熟制(麦油两熟)种植。出米率73.83%,比目前同类型的推广种高3~5个百分点。

Breeding of a New Peanut Variety Yuhua No. 11

Tang Fengshou, Zhang Xinyou, Dong Wenzhao
Journal of Peanut Science, 1999, (3) : 18-20
Peanut; Variety; Short duration; Good quality

Aiming at the demand of the fast growing areas under the wheat / peanut intercropping system in Henan and its neighbouring provinces, Yuhua No. 11 was bred by Industrial Crops Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is a new peanut variety with short duration, high yield, good quality and big pod. The average pod yield was 4173 kg/hm2, shelled seed yield was 3019 kg/hm2 in the Henan provincial Peanut Regional Test under the Wheat / peanut Intercropping System, over 10% higher than the local control Yuhua No. 1 A pod yield of 7500 kg/hm2 was achieved in the demonstration plot. The content of linoleicacid is 38.88% in seed, higher than the breeding target of 37% set by the national breeding collaboration project for the Ninth Five-year Plan period. Its duration is about 120 days suitable for the wheat / peanut intercropping. Its shelling percentage is 73.83%, 3~5 percentage point higher than the widely grown varieties at present .
