Breeding and Application of Red-skinned Yun Peanut No.3

Minglian FU, Shuqiong LI, Xiaoyan YUAN, Jianli WANG, Genze LI, Guangyong FENG
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2013, 14(6): 854-857,862  DOI: 10.16175/j.cnki.1009-4229.2013.06.023;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
Peanut; Red-skin; dual-purpose as food or for oil production; cultivated varieties

[Objective] The aim was to explore the production potential and extension value of Yun peanut No.3 to lay foundation for further extension. [Method] Selection, breeding, characters, yield and the stability of Yun peanut No.3 were analyzed. [Result] Yun peanut No.3 is a new early-mature peanut species bred based on foreign resources and local varieties through sexual hybridization and improvement. It contains 50.32% of fat, 26.5% of protein, 38.93% of oleic acid, 38.88% of linoleic acid, and the ratio of oleic acid and linoleic acid is at 1.00. It is a typical small-scale peanut with red skin, high contents of oil and fat, and constitutes the first one approved by cultivar registration in China. According to related tests, pod yield achieved 3 615.9 kg/hm2; kernel yield was 2 570.1 kg/hm2 and oil output was 1 293.3 kg/hm2. For the production at scale, pod yields would be about 3000 kg/hm2; the production value of fruit would be 25 000 Yuan/hm2; the yield per unit area would be maximal at 16 000 kg/hm2, totaling 64 000 Yuan/hm2. It enjoys different excellent qualities, such as drought-resistance and barren-resistance. It was approved in Yunnan Province in 2012 and extended at 20 000 Yuan/hm2 in major production lands. [Conclusion] Yun peanut No.3, which is highly-yield and highly-qualified, is suitable to be grown in Yunnan, as well as similar conditions in southern regions in China.


符明联, 李淑琼, 原小燕, 王建丽, 李根泽, 冯光勇
农业科学与技术(英文版), 2013, 14(6): 854-857,862
花生; 红皮; 油食兼用型; 品种

[目的]探讨云花生3号(Arachis hypogaea L.)的生产潜力和推广价值,为其进一步大面积推广奠定基础。[方法]介绍云花生3号的选育经过、特征特性,并分析其产量表现及其稳定性。[结果]云花生3号是利用外国资源与云南地方品种、通过人工有性杂交和改良系谱法育成的早熟优质花生新品种。其粗脂肪含量50.32%,蛋白质含量26.5%,油酸含量38.93%,亚油酸含量38.88%,油亚比1.00,属典型的红皮小粒高含油量高蛋白质花生品种,也是我国至今唯一通过品种审定(登记)的红皮小粒花生品种。多点试验中,荚果产量3615.9 kg/hm2,仁产量2570.1 kg/hm2,产油量1293.3 kg/hm2,大面积生产一般荚果产量3000 kg/hm2左右,鲜食产值达2.5万元/hm2左右,最高鲜花生单产1.6万余kg/hm2,产值6.4万元/hm2。并表现抗旱、耐瘠、适宜套作等优良特性,于2012年通过云南省品种认定。已在云南各主要花生产区推广应用2万hm2以上,并引进贵州、海南等省种植,显示出良好的应用前景。[结论]云花生3号中早熟、高产、品质优,适宜云南全省种植,也可在我国南方条件类似花生产区种植。
