
汪云, 陈傲, 冯希锦, 林伟, 陈新起, 王艳红
花生学报, 2011, 40(4): 34-36  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2011.04.009;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 湛油75; 选育; 栽培技术


Breeding of High-yield, Good Quality and Disease-resistant New Peanut Variety Zhanyou 75 and Its Cultivation Technologies

Journal of Peanut Science, 2011, 40(4): 34-36

Zhanyou 75, bred by Zhanjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences, was hybridized with Shanyou 523 as female parent and Yueyou 79 as male parent in 1997. Zhanyou 75 participated in the Guangdong Province peanut variety regional test in 2004-2005 and participated in the National (austral region) peanut variety regional test in 2007-2008; and participated in production experiment of national (austral region) peanut variety region in 2009 ; The variety showed excellent characteristics of high-yield, good quality and so on. It was certificated and released by Guangdong Crop Variety Approval Committee in January 2008 and passed National Crops Variety Approval Committee appraisal in January 2010. It was included in the Guangdong Province agriculture leadership varieties in 2010. Zhanyou75 is fit for plant and spread in the south part of China as the spring and autumn peanut.
