
孙春梅, 谷建中, 李军华, 任丽, 金建猛
湖北农业科学, 2012, 51(21): 4731-4732  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0439-8114.2012.21.010;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.); 开农56; 高产; 早熟; 选育

开农56是开封市农林科学研究院利用开农30作母本、从国外引进资源选育的开选01-6作父本杂交选育而成的高产、早熟花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)新品种,2008、2009年两年区域试验平均荚果产量4 600.5 kg/hm2,较对照中花4号增产12.3%。2011年通过湖北省农作物品种审定委员会审定。

Breeding of New Peanut Variety Kainong 56 with High Yield and Early Maturity

SUN Chun-mei, GU Jian-zhong, LI Jun-hua, REN Li, JIN Jian-meng
Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 51(21): 4731-4732
peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.); Kainong 56; high yield; early maturity; breeding

Kainong 56 is a new peanut hybrid with high yield and early maturity bred by Kaifeng Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences using Kainong 30 as female parent and Kaixuan 01-6 (introduced from abroad) as male parent. The average pod yield of regional tests was 4600.5 kg/hm2 in 2008 and 2009, which was increased by 12.3% compared with Zhonghua No.4. It was released by Hubei Crop Approval Committee in 2011.
