
何孟霞, 齐丽雅, 马明, 刘红, 胡先安, 刘志锋
河北农业科学, 2013, (4) : 56-58  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1088-1631.2013.04.017;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
邢花7号; 高油花生; 品种选育

邢花7号是邢台市农业科学研究院以唐花8号为母本、邢花1号为父本,通过有性杂交选育而成的花生新品种。该品种具有高产、稳产、含油量高、品质好、抗逆性强、适应性广的特点。2009~2010年河北省花生新品种区域试验(大粒组),2 a 平均荚果产量为3892.65 kg/hm2,籽仁产量为2837.55 kg/hm2,分别较对照品种冀花2号增产4.52%和5.69%;2011年河北省花生新品种生产试验,各试点平均荚果产量为3937.05 kg/hm2,籽仁产量为2857.20 kg/hm2,分别较对照品种冀花2号增产5.65%和9.12%。适宜在河北省花生产区种植。2013年4月13日通过河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定。

Breeding of New Peanut Variety Xinghua No.7

HE Meng-xia, QI Li-ya, MA Ming, LIU Hong, HU Xian-an, LIU Zhi-feng
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences, 2013, (4) : 56-58

A new peanut variety Xinghua No.7 was developed from the cross pedigree of Tanghua No.8 as famale parent and Xinghua No.1 as male parent by Xingtai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The characteristics of the variety were high and steady yield, high-oil, high-quality, strong resistance and wide adaptability. The average pod yield and kernel yield were 3 892.65 kg/hm2 and 2 837.55 kg/hm2 respectively in the new peanut variety regional test of Hebei Province in 2009 and 2010 (large-seed group), which were increased by 4.52% and 5.69% than the control variety Jihua No.2.In the new peanut variety production test of Hebei Province in 2011, the average pod yield and kernel yield were 3 937.05 kg/hm2 and 2 857.20 kg/hm2 respectively, which were 5.65% and 9.12% higher than the control variety Jihua No.2. It was suitable for planting in the peanut production area of Hebei Province.It was released by Hebei Crop Variety Approval Committee on April 13, 2013.
