花生是广西的主要油料作物,年播种面积达200 khm2左右,由于地处亚热带,常年高温多雨,花生生长后期锈病严重,致使产量减收10%左右,为了解决这一问题,我们选育出抗锈病花生新品种桂花21。桂花21(原编号967春-6)具有早熟、高产、高抗锈病、抗倒伏等优良性状,1997~1999年参加广西花生品种区域试验,3年18个点次平均单产荚果3282 kg/hm2,比对照种汕油27增产29%,2000年参加广西花生新品种试验示范,平均单产荚果4750 kg/hm2,比对照桂花17增产26%,适合广西水田旱地种植。
Peanut was an impo rtant oil crop in Guangxi and the yearly planting area was about 20,000 hm2. Leaf rust is one of the main limiting factors to peanut production, which resulted in more than 10% yield loss, since Guangxi was located in subtropical region. To relieve the constraint-we recently developed a new peanut variety with good resistance to leaf rust and with high yield, Guihua 21. Three year's (18 places) regional test indicated that yield of Guihua 21 was 3282 kg/hm2, and 29% higher than the control, Shanyou 27. In a new peanut variety comparison trial conducted in 2000, Guihua 21 reached a high yield of 4750 kg/hm2, 19% higher than the control, guihua 17. The variety was mostly suitable for growing on the area of seacoast.