
梁炫强, 李一聪, 李少雄, 郑广柔, 周桂元
花生科技, 2000, (1) : 1-3  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2000.01.001;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 粤油202—35; 优质; 高产; 兼抗

粤油202—35是广东省农科院作物研究所选育的优质、高产、兼抗花生新品种。平均单产3371.6 kg/hm2,比对照种粤油116增产20.5%,达极显著水平。其锈病发病级数为3级,青枯病抗病率为89.1%,均达高抗水平。粤油202—35的蛋白质含量为32.23%,脂肪含量为53.5%,油酸/亚油酸比值为1.56,属高耐贮存品种。该品种的株型较矮,叶色灰绿,叶片厚,根系发达,具抗倒伏、耐旱、耐涝等特点。1997年2月通过广东省农作物品种审定委员会审定,1998年获广东省农业科学院科技进步二等奖,1999年获国家“九五”农作物品种选育后补助。

Breeding of a New Peanut Variety — Yueyou 202 - 35 with High-yielding, Good Quality and Resistance to Rust/bacterial Wilt

LIANG Xuan-qiang, LI Yi-cong, LI Shao-xiong, LI Su-lin, ZHOU Gui-yuan
Peanut Science and Technology, 2000, (1) : 1-3
peanut; Yueyou 202-35; high -yielding; good quality; resistance
Crops Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Yueyou 202-35 was developed from multi-cross, through modified pedigree method and single line selection method. It significantly out-yielded local control cultivars in various yield trials showed high resistant to rust (scoring 3.0), to bacterial wild under artificial inoculation (wilt incident 10.9%). It's protein (32.23%) and oil content (53.5%) was obviously higher than local cultivars. It is adapted to various cropping systems in South China and was released by National Crops Approval Committee in 1999.
