
马皓, 冯旭东, 吴学文, 蔡喜忠, 李杏华
农业科技通讯, 2009, (3) : 129-130  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6400.2009.03.062;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
青枯病抗性; 鄂花6号; 选育与应用


Breeding and Application of New Peanut Variety E-hua No.6 with Stronger Bacterial Wilt Resistance

Ma Hao, Feng Xu-dong, Wu Xue-wen, CaiXi-zhong, LiXin-hua
Bulletin of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2009, (3) : 129-130
Bacterial wilt resistance; E-hua No.6; Breeding and application
Agro-technical Extension Centre of Hong an County

This article summarized e-hua No.6's breeding process, reviewed the main yield and qulity characteristics and the principal cultural techique points. E-hua No.6 is a new peanut variety derived from three way cross hybrid between e-hua No.3/tai shan zhen zhu//tai shan san li rou through pedigree method and group bluk selection with stronger bacterial wilt resistance of peanut (due to pseudomonas solanacearum)and high drought resistance. This new variety was registered as a provincial Variety approval peanut 2008002 by Hubei Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2008 and belonged to spanish type. E-hua No.6's crude fat was 53.13%, the crude portein was 28.07%. The variety could be applied in drylands on hillside in bacterial wilt of peanut areas in hubei province.
