
施爱玲, 陈茹艳, 郭陞垚, 王金线, 陈剑洪, 陈永水
福建农业科技, 2015, (5) : 39-40  DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2015.05.016;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
彩色花生; 泉花806; 特征特性; 栽培技术

泉花806为种皮紫红色、高蛋白花生新品种。该品种具有高产、稳产、优质、抗逆性较强等优点,平均每667 m2荚果产量258.2 kg、籽仁产量183.8 kg,分别比对照品种泉花7号增产8.45%、12.22%。总结其高产栽培技术要点:适时早播、合理密植、加强水肥管理、适时中耕培土、综合防治病虫害。

Characteristics and cultivation techniques of colorful peanut cv. "Quanhua 806"

SHI Ai-ling, CHEN Ru-yan, GUO Sheng-yao, WANG Jin-xian, CHEN Jian-hong, CHEN Yong-shui
Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2015, (5) : 39-40
Coloful peanut; Quanhua 806; characteristics; cultivation techniques
Quanzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Peanut cv. "Quanhua 806" has purple red seed coat and high protein content. Moreover, it also has other advantages including high and stable yield, high quality and high resistance with higher pod yield of 258.2 kg and kernel yield of 183.8 kg per 667 m2 than that of "Quanhua No. 7" as control by 8.45% and 12.22%. This paper summarized high yield cultivation techniques of colorful peanut cv. "Quanhua 806" including early sowing, rational close planting, strengthened management of water and fertilizer, intertillage and earthing in time and comprehensive control of diseases and pests.
