高产 高油酸 抗病花生新品种冀花19号的选育

程增书, 陈四龙, 王瑾, 宋亚辉, 李玉荣
河北农业科学, 2019, 23(3): 84-87,99  DOI: 10.12148/hbnykx.20190067;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 高油酸; 抗病; 育种

冀花19号是河北省农林科学院粮油作物研究所以冀9813(冀花6号)为母本、开选01-6为父本通过有性杂交选育而成的高油酸花生新品种。该品种在全国北方片区域试验中平均荚果产量为5374.2 kg/hm2,较对照品种花育19号增产7.23%;在全国北方片生产试验中平均荚果产量为5175.5 kg/hm2,平均子仁产量为3745.8 kg/hm2,分别较对照品种花育33号增产5.46%和8.51%;平均油酸含量占脂肪酸含量的比例为75.4%;中抗黑斑病,高抗网斑病。2015年12月冀花19号通过全国花生品种鉴定委员会鉴定。

Breeding of a New Peanut Variety Jihua No.19 with High Yield,High Oleic Acid Content and Disease Resistance

CHENG Zeng-shu, CHEN Si-long, WANG Jin, SONG Ya-hui, LI Yu-rong
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 23(3): 84-87,99
Peanut; High oleic acid content; Disease resistance; Breeding
Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Breeding of Hebei

Jihua No.19, a new peanut variety with high oleic acid content, bred by Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, was hybridized with Ji 9813 (Jihua No.6) as female parent and Kaixuan 01-6 as male parent. In the regional test of north China, Jihua No.19 presented an average pod yield of 5374.2 kg/hm2, which was 7.23% higher than the control Huayu No.19. In the production test of north China, Jihua No.19 presented an average pod yield of 5175.5 kg/hm2 and an average kernel yield of 3745.8 kg/hm2, which was 5.46% and 8.51% higher than the control Huayu No.33, respectively. The average oleic acid content of Jihua No.19 was 75.4%, and it was resistant to black-spot diseases moderately and web blotch disease highly. Jihua No.19 passed the appraisal by National Peanut Variety Approval Committee in December 2015.
