
刘红欣, 牛海龙, 李伟堂, 牟书靓, 杨翔宇, 李玉发, 何中国
东北农业科学, 2019, 44(6): 18-19,95  DOI: 10.16423/j.cnki.1003-8701.2019.06.005;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 优质; 新品种; 选育


Breeding Report of‘Jihua 6036’, a New Peanut Variety

LIU Hongxin, NIU Hailong, LI Weitang, MU Shuliang, YANG Xiangyu, LI Yufa, HE Zhongguo
Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 44(6): 18-19,95
Peanut; High quality; New variety; Breeding
Peanut Research Institute, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences

‘Jihua 6036’, a peanut variety bred by Peanut Research Institute, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Scienc⁃ es, was a mutation found in‘Fuhua 11’. It was bred for 6 years and released in 2012. It was easy to be emergence, high resistant and high quality. Its resistance to black spot, grey spot, net spot was higher. It was approved by Minis⁃ try of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, and its register number was (2018)220244.
