
高建强, 曲杰, 程亮, 吴丽青, 贾振东
贵州农业科学, 2020, 48(2): 5-7     追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
菏花20号; 花生品种; 高产; 高出油率; 大果型

为获得高产高油花生新品种应用于生产,菏泽市农业科学院以普通大花生品系Hz0902为母本、高油酸花生品系冀0607-19为父本,通过有性杂交和系统选育方法,成功选育出花生新品种菏花20号[登记编号GDP花生(2019) 370129]。菏花20号百果重284.8 g,百仁重106.4 g,含油量57.18%,荚果平均产量475 kg/667m2,属高产高油品种。适宜在山东省花生产区春播和夏播种植。

Breeding of Hehua 20, a New Peanut Variety with High Yield, High Oil Content and Large Pods

GAO Jianqiang, QU Jie, CHENG Liang, WU Liqing, JIA Zhendong
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences, 2020, 48(2): 5-7
Hehua 20; peanut variety; high yield; high oil extraction rate; large pod type
Heze Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Hehua 20, a new peanut variety, is successfully bred from the combination of Hz0902 with large pod type (female parent) × Ji0607-19 with high oleic acid content (male parent) by Heze Academy of Agricultural Sciences by means of sexual hybridization and systematic breeding to obtain a new peanut variety with high yield and high oil content for peanut production. The registration number of Hehua 20 is GDP Peanut (2019) 370129. The 100 - pod weight, 100 - kernel weight, oil content and average pod yield of Hehua 20 are 284.8 g, 106.4 g, 57.18% and 475 kg /667m2 respectively. Hehua 20 with high yield and high oil content can be suitably sowed in spring and summer in peanut-growing areas of Shandong.
