
郭敏杰, 芦振华, 任丽, 邓丽, 殷君华, 苗建利, 李阳, 谷建中
山东农业科学, 2019, 51(9): 115--117,120  DOI: 10.14083/j.issn.1001-4942.2019.09.018;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 开农85; 品种选育; 稳产性

开农85是开封市农林科学研究院利用豫花9331为母本、中花12为父本,采用有性杂交技术及系谱法选择育成的高产稳产大果花生新品种。2016—2017参加河南省夏播花生品种多点联合测试,平均单产5046.45 kg/hm2,比对照豫花9327增产4.59%,分别居参试品种第1、3位;平均百果重218.65 g,平均百仁重87.40 g;中抗花生黑斑病、茎腐病、青枯病、锈病。开农85丰产性、稳产性好,荚果均匀,结实性好,综合性状优良,推广应用前景广阔。2019年通过国家非主要农作物品种登记,适宜河南花生种植区域春播和夏播种植。

Breeding and Stable Yield Analysis of A New Peanut Variety Kainong 85 with High Yield and Large Pod

Guo Minjie, Lu Zhenhua, Ren Li, Deng Li, Yin Junhua, Miao Jianli, Li Yang, Gu Jianzhong
Peanut; Kainong 85; Variety breeding; Yield stability
Kaifeng Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences

Kainong 85 was a new peanut variety with high and stable yield which was bred through the sexual hybridization and pedigree selection with Yuhua 9331 as female parent and Zhonghua 12 as male parent by Kaifeng Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. The average yield of Kainong 85 was 5046.45 kg/hm2 in the multi - sites joint trail of summer peanut varieties in Henan Province from 2016 to 2017, which was 4.59% higher than that of the control variety Yuhua 9327, ranking the first and third places respectively. The average hundred - pod weight was 218.65 g and hundred - seed weight was 87.40 g. It was resistant to peanut black spot, stem rot, bacterial wilt and rust diseases. Kainong 85 had high and stable yield, even pod, good fruiting, excellent comprehensive traits, and wide prospect of popularization and application. It was registered as a national non - main crop variety in 2019 and suitable for spring and summer planting in Henan peanut planting area.
