
贺梁琼, 韩柱强, 钟瑞春, 李忠, 周翠球, 蒋菁, 唐秀梅, 熊发前, 唐荣华
南方农业学报, 2011, 42(10): 1202-1205  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2011.10.008;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
红花生; 选育; 栽培技术

【目的】为适应消费市场对优质花生品种的需求,选育推广营养价值高、有保健功能、供消费者直接食用的鲜食优质红花生新品种。【方法】采用地方品种经系谱选育法选育鲜食保健型红花生新品种,采用株行比较、品系比较、区域和生产试验进行测定其农艺性状及产量。【结果】优质保健型红花生新品种桂花红35、桂花红95和桂花红166蛋白质含量分别为30.6%、32.3%和31.1%,钙含量分别为696、636和771 mg/kg,油亚比分别为3.04、1.75和2.61,产量为3000~3750 kg/ha。【结论】选育出的3个红花生新品种桂花红35、桂花红95和桂花红166属高产、高蛋白、高油亚比、高钙的保健食用专用型花生新品种,且耐储藏,适合市场、生产和农民种植需求,具有较好的推广应用前景。

Breeding of three raw-eating and health-caring red sead-coat peanut varieties and their cultivation technologies

HE Liang-qiong, HANZhu-qiang, ZHONGRui-chun, LI Zhong, ZHOUCui-qiu, JIANG Jing, TANGXiu-mei, XIONGFa-qian, TANGRong-hua
Journal of Southern Agriculture, 2011, 42(10): 1202-1205
red peanut; fine quality; breeding; cultivation technology
Cash Crops Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences

【Objective】The present experiment was conducted to breed highly nutritious and health-caring raw-eatingtype peanut varieties with red seed coat. 【Method】Three red seed coat peanut varieties, viz., Guihuahong 35, Guihuahong 95, Guihuahong 166, were selected from local germplasm on the basis of their genetic characteristics. The comparative quality analysis of these varieties was performed with data obtained in regional and production trials. 【Result】The varieties Guihuahong 35, Guihuahong 95 and Guihuahong 166 recorded 30.6, 32.3 and 31.1% protein content, 696, 636 and 771 mg/kg calcium content and 3.04, 1.75 and 2.61 oleic acid/linoleic acid ratio, respectively. The yield of these varieties ranged from 3000 to 3750 kg/ha. These varieties were characterized by high yield, high protein and calcium content, oil ratio and good taste. The present paper summarizes the selective breeding procedure, varietal characteristics and main cultivation technologies of three red peanut varieties. 【Conclusion】The breeding and popularization of the three red seed coat peanut varieties might bring a breakthrough production and sustained the development of the peanut industry.
