
方先兰, 陈荣华, 梁炫强, 申昌优, 易克阳
江苏农业学报, 2011, 23(12): 18-20  DOI: 10.19386/j.cnki.jxnyxb.2011.12.005;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生新品种; 虔粤1号; 选育; 高产栽培技术


Breeding and High - yielding Cultivation Techniques of Peanut New Variety Qianyue No. 1

FANG Xian-lan, CHEN Rong-hua, LIANG Xuan-qiang, SHEN Chang-you, YI Ke-yang
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 23(12): 18-20
Peanut new variety; Qianyue No. 1; Breeding; High-yielding cultivation technique

Peanut new variety Qianyue No. 1 is bred from the filial generation of Yueyou No. 7 and“01* /4”( Yueyou 92 × Zhanqiu 48), it has the characteristics of high yield, multiple resistance, wide adaptability and so on, and it is suitable to cultivate this variety in the peanut production areas of Jiangxi. The paper detailedly introduced the breeding process, biological characteristics and high - yielding cultivation techniques of Qianyue No. 1.
