
原小燕, 符明联, 胡明鲜, 吴霞, 李根泽, 苏世强
作物研究, 2013, 27(4): 367-369  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-5280.2013.04.17;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 育种; 云花生4号

云花生4号系以盐津花生为母本、桂花17为父本,通过品种间有性杂交、单株选择育成的花生新品种。在2008年品系鉴定试验及2009~2010年连续两年品系比较试验中,均比对照增产11%以上;2012年云南全省5个试点联合多点试验中干荚果产量、花生仁产量和产油量分别为3719.4、2636.9和1297.0 kg/hm2,均列参试品种第三位,适宜在云南全省花生产区种植。

Breeding and Application of the New Peanut Variety Yunhuasheng No.4

YUAN Xiao-yan, FU Ming-lian, HU Ming-xian, WU Xia, LI Gen-ze, SU Shi-qiang
Crop Research, 2013, 27(4): 367-369
Peanuts; Breeding; Yunhuasheng No.4

Yunhuasheng No.4, a new peanut variety bred from the progenies of the cross of Yanjinhuasheng as female parent, and Guihua No.17 as male parent by Industrial Crop Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Yanjin County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center. The variety showed the excellent characteristics of good quality, higher pod yield and strong adaptability and so on.Its average pod yield was both significantly higher than the CK by above 11%in the identification of lines in 2008, and variety test of lines in 2009-2010. Its dry pod yield, peanut ker-nel yield and oil production of Yunhuasheng No.5 were 3719.4kg/hm2、2636.9 kg/hm2 and 1297.0 kg/hm2 respectively, and all ranked the third place among the seven tested varieties and was suitable planted in all peanut producing areas of Yunnan province.
