
徐静, 张新友, 汤丰收, 董文召, 臧秀旺, 张忠信, 韩锁义, 秦利
河南农业科学, 2014, 43(10): 38-41  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2014.10.045;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 远杂9847; 品种选育; 远缘杂交

远杂9847是河南省农业科学院经济作物研究所以豫花15号为母本、(豫花7号×Arachis sp.30136)F1为父本,利用远缘杂交技术选育出的高产、高油、综合抗性好的花生新品种。2007-2008年河南省夏播花生区域试验中,远杂9847平均荚果产量4180.88 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量2878.58 kg/hm2;2009年河南省夏播花生生产试验中,远杂9847平均荚果产量4715.70 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量3454.50 kg/hm2。2008-2009年全国北方区大花生区域试验中,远杂9847平均荚果产量4736.70 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量3366.75 kg/hm2;2010年全国北方区大花生生产试验中,远杂9847平均荚果产量4 373.25 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量3226.65 kg/hm2。该品种籽粒粗脂肪含量55.79%,高抗网斑病,抗叶斑病、锈病、病毒病和根腐病。远杂9847于2010年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定(编号:豫审花2010006),于2011年通过全国农业技术推广服务中心鉴定(编号:国品鉴花生2011003)。该品种适于在河南、山东、江苏、安徽、河北、湖北等大花生种植区推广种植。远杂9847的成功选育说明花生远缘杂交技术是实现品种突破、全面提升品种综合性状的有效途径。

Breeding of a New Peanut Variety Yuanza 9847 and Its Enlightenments

XU Jing, ZHANG Xin-you, TANG Feng-shou, DONG Wen-zhao, ZANG Xiu-wang, ZHANG Zhong-xin, HAN Suo-yi, QIN Li
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2014, 43(10): 38-41
peanut; Yuanza 9847; breeding; distant hybridization

Yuanza 9847 is a peanut variety derived from cross between a cultivar Yuhua 15 as female parent and an interspecific F1 hybrid (Yuhua 7 ×Arachis sp.30136)as male parent by Industrial Crops Research Institute of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is characterized with high yield, high oil content and high resistance to multiple diseases.The average pod and kernel yields were 4 180.88 kg/ha and 2878.58 kg/ha in the summer peanut regional test of Henan province in 2007 - 2008. The yields were 4715.70 kg/ha and 3454.50 kg/ha in the summer peanut production test of Henan province in 2009, and were 4736.70 kg/ha and 3366.75 kg/ha in the national northern district big peanut regional test in 2008 - 2009.And the same indices were 4373.25 kg/ha and 3226.65 kg/ha in the national northern district big peanut production test in 2010.Yuanza 9847 had crude fat content of 55.79%, was highly resistant to net blotch, and resistant to leaf spot, rust, virus diseases and root rot.This variety was released by Henan Variety Evaluation Committee in 2010 and was identified by National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center in 2011.It was suitable for planting in Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei, Hubei and other big peanut production areas.The successful development of the variety revealed the great potentials of elite wild Arachis species in the genetic enhancement of the cultivated peanut and shed some enlightenments in the handling of interspecific hybrids.
