
钟瑞春, 韩柱强, 唐荣华, 贺梁琼, 唐秀梅, 熊发前, 蒋菁, 李忠, 黄志鹏
南方农业学报, 2015, 46(3): 381-384  DOI: 10.3969/j:issn.2095-1191.2015.3.381;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 新品种; 桂花32; 选育; 栽培技术

【目的】选育壳薄、粗脂肪含量高、高产稳产、适应性广且适合广西种植的花生新品种,为广西花生产业可持续发展奠定基础。【方法】以优异种质0442/3001-18为母本、抗病种质03秋/3016为父本进行杂交,并对杂交后代进行多代定向选择,低世代侧重于果型、出仁率及产量潜力的选择,高世代侧重于产量性状、粗脂肪含量和抗逆性的筛选;2010~2014年分别进行品比试验、广西花生品种区域试验及试验示范。【结果】育成的桂花32表现为早熟、高产稳产、壳薄、粗脂肪含量高、适应性广等特点。2010~2011年品比试验中,平均荚果产量4361.2 kg/ha,比对照品种桂花17平均增产11.19%。2012~2013年广西花生区试中,平均荚果产量3975.0 kg/ha,比对照品种桂花21减产1.43%,而籽仁产量2743.1 kg/ha,比桂花21增产7.32%。在广西武鸣试验示范中,荚果产量为4084.6 kg/ha,比桂花17增产11.78%;在钟山县试验示范中,鲜荚果产量9445.5 kg/ha。粗脂肪含量52.12%~54.10%,蛋白质含量25.00%左右;饱果率79.4%,双仁果率81.8%,百果重186.3 g,百仁重71.3 g,出仁率70.3%。桂花32农艺性状优于桂花17,于2014年6月通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定。【结论】桂花32综合性状优良,可作为桂花17的替代品种,适合在广西花生产区旱坡地推广种植。

Breeding of a new peanut variety Guihua 32 and its cultivation technology

ZHONGRui-chun, HANZhu-qiang, TANGRong-hua, HE Liang-qiong, TANGXiu-mei, XIONGFa-qian, JIANG Jing, LI Zhong, HUANGZhi-peng
Journal of Southern Agriculture, 2015, 46(3): 381-384
peanut; new variety; Guihua 32; breeding; cultivation technology

【Objective】The present study was conducted to breed new peanut variety with thin shell, high crude fat content, high and stable yield, and wide adaptability, which is suitable for planting in Guangxi peanut production area in order to lay the foundation for the sustainable development of Guangxi peanut industry. 【Method】The fine germplasm 0442/3001 -18 was used as female parent and 03 -Qiu/3016 with disease resistance as male parent to conduct hybridize, and multi-generation directional selection for many years was performed towards the hybrid progenies. The pot type, kernel rate and yield potential were selected from the low generations of hybrid progenies, and the yield traits, crude fat content and stress resistance were focused on the high generations of hybrid progenies. 【Result 】The new peanut variety Guihua 32 showed characteristics with early maturity, high and stable yield, thin shell and wide adaptability and so on. The average pod yield of Guihua 32 was 4361.2 kg/ha in peanut variety comparative test during 2010-2011, which was increased by 11.19% as compared to the target control variety Guihua17. The average pod yield of Guihua 32 was 3975.0 kg/ha in Guangxi peanut varieties regional trial during 2012-2013, which was decreased by 1.43% compared with the control variety Guihua 21. While its average seed yield was 2743.1 kg/ha, which was 7.32% higher than that of Guihua 21. In the test and demonstration of Wuming county of Guangxi, the dry pod yield of Guihua 32 was 4084.6 kg/ha, which was 11.78% higher than Guihua 17; its fresh pod yield in Zhongshan county was 9445.5 kg/ha. Guihua 32 was characterized by 52.12%-54.10% of crude fat content, 25.00% of protein content, 79.4% of full-pod rate, 81.8% of double-kernel pod rate, 186.3 g of 100-pod weight, 71.3 g of 100-seed weight, and 70.3% of kernel rate. The agronomic traits of Guihua 32 was superior to Guihua 17, and it was approved and registered by Guangxi Committee for Crop Variety Registration in June, 2014. 【Conclusion】The new peanut variety Guihua 32 is a good alternative variety for Guihua 17 being better comprehensive traits, and is suitable for extending and planting in dry slope land of Guangxi peanut production area.
