Breeding of a New High-yield, High-oil and Web Blotch-resistant Big Peanut Variety Shanghua 511

Jihua WU, Hongjun WANG, Ke LI, Lei CHEN, Xiaoyu FAN, Hongying GUAN
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2017, 18(8): 1403-1405  DOI: 10.16175/j.cnki.1009-4229.2017.08.011;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
High yield; High oil; Web blotch resistance; Peanut variety; Shanghua 511; Breeding
Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences;Shangqiu Polytechnic

Shanghua 511 is a high-yield, high-oil and web blotch-resistant big peanut variety bred by the Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences through sexual hybridization (Yuhua 18♀×Shangyan 9658♂). In the wheat-peanut interplanting regional experiment conducted in Henan Province during 2012-2013, the average pod and seed yield of Shanghua 511 were 5 906.19 and 4 149.3 kg/hm2, respectively. In the wheat-peanut interplanting production experiment conducted in Henan Province in 2013, the average pod and seed yield of Shanghua 511 were 6036.45 and 4 309.50 kg/hm2, respectively. In the kernels of Shanghua 511, the contents of crude fat, oleic acid and linoleic acid were 56.62%, 44.9% and 33.4% respectively, and the oleic/linoleic acid ratio was 1.34. This variety had high resistance to web blotch and medium resistance to leaf spot, viral diseases, root rot and collar rot. The 100-pod weight, 100-kernel weight, shelling percentage and growth period of Shanghua 511 were 270.6, 110.9 g, 70.6% and 120 d, respectively. Shanghua 511 passed the approval of Henan Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee in August, 2015, and is suitable for spring sowing and wheat interplanting in the surrounding area of Henan Province and the area to the north of Huaihe River.


吴继华, 王红军, 李可, 陈雷, 范小玉, 关红英
农业科学与技术(英文版), 2017, 18(8): 1403-1405
高产; 高油; 抗网斑病; 花生品种; 商花511; 选育

商花511是商丘市林科学院以豫花15号为母本,商研9658为父本,经品种间有性杂交育成的高产高油抗网斑病大果花生新品种。在2012~2013年河南省麦套花生品种区域试验中,商花511平均荚果产量5906.19 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量4149.3 kg/hm2;在2013年河南省麦套花生生产试验中,商花511平均荚果产量6036.45 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量4309.50 kg/hm2。商花511粗脂肪含量为56.62%,油酸含量44.9%,亚油酸含量33.4%,油亚比1.34;高抗花生网斑病,中抗花生叶斑病,中抗花生病毒病,抗根腐病和颈腐病;百果重270.6 g,百仁重110.9 g,出仁率70.6%,生育期120天左右。商花511于2015年8月通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定,适宜在河南及周边地区淮河以北春播、麦垄套种、油菜茬、蒜茬花生产区种植。
