
周彦忠, 李飞, 姬小玲, 郭玉生, 李斯佳
湖北农业科学, 2017, 55(8): 1432-1434  DOI: 10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2017.08.008;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.); 新品种; 漯花4011; 选育

花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)新品种漯花4011是河南省漯河市农业科学院为适应中国长江流域生产需要选育出的优质、矮秆、高出仁率花生新品种。2009-2010年参加国家长江流域片花生品种区试,两年荚果平均产量3923.70 kg/hm2,比对照中花15减产4.92%,子仁产量2982.00 kg/hm2,比对照增产1.5%。2010年生产试验,汇总荚果平均产量4493.55 kg/hm2,比对照品种中花15平均增产3.37%,子仁产量3415.05 kg/hm2,比对照增产8.66%。含油量56.20%,蛋白质含量24.68%,油酸含量43.7%,油酸/亚油酸比值1.32。漯花4011中抗叶斑病,抗锈病,高抗青枯病,抗旱性强,抗倒性强,种子休眠性强。2012年2月通过国家花生新品种鉴定,审定编号为国品鉴花生2012015。

Breeding of New Peanut Variety Luohua 4011 with High Quality, Dwarf and High Kernel Percentage

ZHOU Yan-zhong, LI Fei, JI Xiao-ling, GUO Yu-sheng, LI Si-jia
Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2017, 55(8): 1432-1434
peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.); new variety; Luohua 4011; breeding

Luohua 4011, which was bred by Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences to meet the requirement of peanut production in Yangtze river valley of China, is a new peanut variety with high quality, dwarf and high kernel percentage. It was tested in the Yangtze river valley peanut regional trial from 2009 to 2010. The results showed that the average pod production was 3923.70 kg/hm2, 4.92% lower than Zhonghua No.15. The seed production was 2982.00 kg/hm2, 1.5% higher than Zhonghua No.15. In the peanut production test of 2010, the average pod production and seed production of Luohua 4011 were 4493.55 kg/hm2 and 3415.05 kg/hm2, 3.37% and 8.66% higher than Zhonghua No.15, respectively. The average oil content of Luohua 4011 was 56.20%, the protein content was 24.68%, the oleic acid content was 43.7%, and the oleic acid/linoleic acid (O/L) value was 1.32. In addition, it showed resistance to peanut leaf spot, peanut bacterial wilt, drought and lodging. It had strong seed dormancy. It passed the national new peanut variety identification in February 2012, and the national variety identification number was 2012015.
