
陈茹艳, 陈剑洪, 郭陞垚, 陈永水, 钟瑞春, 肖宇
农学学报, 2017, 7(8): 25-28     追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; ‘泉花27’; 选育; 青枯病

为了满足生产需求,选育高产抗青枯病花生新品种,泉州市农业科学研究所采用杂交育种方法,以育种中间材料‘626-2-1’为母本,‘泉花327’为父本,育出花生新品种‘泉花27’。2010—2011年参加江西省花生区域试验,平均荚果产量5173.95 kg/hm2,比对照‘汕油523’增产10.10%;籽仁产量3588.75 kg/hm2,比对照增产7.64%。2010—2011年同时参加广西花生区域试验,平均荚果产量4082.4 kg/hm2,比对照‘桂花21’增产12.17%;籽仁产量2582.25 kg/hm2,比对照增产4.71%。2014—2015年参加福建省花生区域试验,平均荚果产量3901.5 kg/km2,比对照‘泉花7号’增产9.3%;籽仁产量2779.5 kg/km2,比对照增产13.1%。中国农科院油料作物研究所鉴定‘泉花27’高抗青枯病。‘泉花27’高产高抗青枯病,于2012年通过广西和江西品种审(认)定,适合在广西、江西和福建等地推广种植。

Breeding of a New Peanut Variety 'Quanhua 27' with Resistance to Bacterial Wilt

Chen Ruyan1, Chen Jianhong1, Guo Shengyao1, Chen Yongshui1, Zhong Ruichun2, Xiao Yu1
Journal of Agriculture, 2017, 7(8): 25-28
Peanut; ‘Quanhua 27’; Breeding; Bacterial Wilt

The study aims to satisfy peanut production demand, and breed peanut varieties with high yield and resistance to bacterial wilt by using cross breeding method in Quanzhou Agricultural Science Research Institute. A new peanut variety ‘Quanhua 27’ was bred with female parent‘626-2-1’ and male parent ‘Quanhua 327’. In 2010 - 2011, the average pod yield of ‘Quanhua 27’ was 5173.95 kg/hm2 in peanut regional test in Jiangxi, increased by 10.10% compared with the control variety ‘Shanyou 523’; the average seed yield was 3588.75 kg/hm2, increased by 7.64% compared with the control. At the same, in Guangxi peanut regional test, the average pod yield was 4082.4 kg/hm2, increased by 12.17% compared with the control variety ‘Guihua 21’; the average seed yield was 2582.25 kg/hm2, increased by 4.71% compared with the control. In 2014- 2015 peanut regional test in Fujian, the average pod yield was 3901.5 kg/km2, increased by 9.3% compared with the control variety ‘Quanghua 7’; the average seed yield was 2779.5 kg/km2, increased by 13.1% compared with the control. ‘Quanhua 27’ was identified with high resistance to bacterial wilt in experimental field by Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. ‘Quanhua 27’ was certified (identified) as a new peanut variety with high production and resistance to bacterial wilt by the Variety Certification Committee of Guangxi and Jiangxi in 2012, and suitable for planting in Guangxi, Jiangxi and Fujian.
