
周彦忠, 李飞, 姬小玲, 卢邦林, 李斯佳, 徐保华
山西农业科学, 2017, 45(7): 1069-1071,1168  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-2481.2017.07.06;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 矮秆; 高产; 新品种; 漯花4087

漯花4087是漯河市农业科学院为适应全国(北方片)小花生以及河南省夏播花生生产发展需要选育出的高产、稳产、矮秆花生新品种。在2009, 2010年2 a的全国(北方片)小花生区域试验中,漯花4087平均荚果产量4271.10 kg/hm2,籽仁产量3107.48 kg/hm2,与对照鲁花12号相比,分别增产21.03%和19.23%。在2011年的生产试验中,漯花4087平均荚果产量为3 808.05 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量为2767.50 kg/hm2,比对照花育20分别增产19.28%和19.15%。2013年参加河南省夏播花生生产试验,7点平均荚果产量5550.30 kg/hm2,比对照豫花9327增产9.54%;7点平均籽仁产量3938.25 kg/hm2,比对照豫花9327增产10.19%。该品种抗花生叶斑病和网斑病,感黑斑病;粗蛋白含量22.42%,粗脂肪含量53.41%,油酸含量39.6%,亚油酸含量38.1%,油亚比1.04。于2012年获得国家花生新品种鉴定证书,并于2014年获得河南省品种审定委员会审定证书。

Breeding of New Dwarf Peanut Variety Luohua 4087 with High and Stable Yield

ZHOU Yanzhong, LI Fei, JI Xiaoling, LU Banglin, LI Sijia, XU Baohua
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences, 2017, 45(7): 1069-1071,1168
peanut; dwarf; high yield; newvariety; Luohua 4087

Luohua 4087, which was bred by Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences to meet the requirement of small- seeded peanut production in northern China and the summer peanut production in Henan province, is a newdwarf peanut variety with high and stable yield. It was tested in small- seeded regional test in the northern China from 2009 to 2010, two years results showed that the average pod production and the average seed production of Luohua 4087 were 4271.10, 3107.48 kg/hm2, respectively, 21.03% and 19.23% higher than Luhua 12. In 2011 production test, the results showed that the average pod production and the average seed production of Luohua 4087 were 3 808.05, 2 767.50 kg/hm2, respectively, 19.28% and 19.15% higher than Huayu 20. In 2013 summer peanut production test of Henan province, the average pod yield and the average seed production were 5550.30, 3938.25 kg/hm2, respectively, 9.54% and 10.19% higher than Yuhua 9327. Luohua 4087 was resistant to peanut leaf spot and peanut webblotch, but highly susceptible to black spot. In addition, the crude fat content of Luohua 4087 was 53.41%, the crude protein content was 22.42%, the content of oleic acid was 39.6%, linoleic acid was 38.1%, and the oleic acid/linoleic acid (O/L) value was 1.04. It passed the national new peanut variety identification in February 2012, then examined and approved by Henan Examination and Approval Committee of Crops Variety in May 2014.
