
刘海龙, 周玉萍, 王绍伦, 孙晓苹, 吕永超, 陈晓姝, 李春雨, 李莉, 高华援
东北农业科学, 2018, 43(5): 11-12  DOI: 10.16423/j.cnki.1003-8701.2018.05.003;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 吉花20; 品种; 高油

花生新品种吉花20是吉林省农业科学院花生研究所利用白沙1016作母本,唐油4号为父本人工有性杂交选育而成。2014~2015年吉林省花生区域试验中平均产量3241.78 kg/hm2,比对照白沙1016增产12.45%,籽仁粗脂肪55.21%,粗蛋白23.33%。DUS测试结果为吉花20与近似种有明显差异,同时具备一致性、稳定性。转基因检测结果为吉花20为非转基因花生品种。

Breeding Report of a High Oil New Peanut Variety‘Jihua 20’

LIU Hailong1, ZHOU Yuping1, WANG Shaolun1, SUN Xiaoping1, LYU Yongchao1, CHEN Xiaoshu1, LI Chunyu1, LI li2, GAO Huayuan1
Journal of Northeast Agricultural Sciences, 2018, 43(5): 11-12
Peanut; Jihua 20; Variety; High oil

‘Jihua 20’was bred by Institute of Peanut Research, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences through arti⁃ ficial hybridization using‘Baisha 1016’as female parent and‘Tangyou 4’as male parent. Average yield of‘Jihua 20’was 3 241.78 kg/ha in regional test of Jilin Province in 2014 and 2015, which was 12.45% higher than the con⁃ trast variety‘Baisha 1016’. Contents of protein and fat were 23.33% and 55.21%. Result of DUS test showed that ‘Jihua 20’was obvious different with the approximate variety, unanimous and stability. Result of transgenic test showed that‘Jihua 20’was a non-transgenic peanut variety.
