
梁长东, 李冠喜, 杨贵成, 任立凯, 杨和川, 李景芳, 刘晓梅
农业科学研究, 2018, 39(4): 94-96  DOI: 10.13907/j.cnki.nykxyj.2018.04.013;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
苏花1号; 选育; 高产栽培


Breeding and high-yielding cultivation techniques of peanut new variety Suhua No.1

Liang Changdong1, Li Guanxi2, Yang Guicheng3, Ren Likai1, Yang Hechuan1, Li Jingfang1, Liu Xiaomei1
Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2018, 39(4): 94-96
peanut new variety (Arachis hypogaea); Suhua No.1; breeding; high-yielding cultivation technique

In order to adapt to the market demand and solve the problem of crop stubble, the new peanut varieties with early maturity, high oil content and high resistance were selected. It was selected and bred by the improved genealogy method, by Jihua No.4 adopted as the female parent, and by Fenghua No.1 adopted as the male parent. Participated in regional trials and production trials of peanuts (Huaibei group) in Jiangsu province from 2014 to 2015, Yield, resistance and quality were outstanding, and it passed the new variety appraisal of Jiangsu provincial crop variety examination committee (Sujian peanut 201502) in 2015. The variety named Suhua No.1.
