
周彦忠, 张宏套, 李斯佳, 姬小玲, 李飞, 乔新敏, 胡文静
作物研究, 2019, 33(1): 23-25,35  DOI: 10.16848/j.cnki.issn.1001-5280.2019.01.05;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 育种; 漯花10号

为适应我国长江流域花生生产的需要,以中花10号为母本,与自选品系漯河紫皮杂交,用一粒传法结合南繁加代选育出高产、高出仁率花生新品种漯花10号。介绍了该品种的选育过程及其区域试验与生产试验的结果:两年区域试验平均荚果产量4645.5 kg/hm2,比对照增产2.32%,籽仁产量3513.0 kg/hm2,比对照增产6.73%;生产试验平均荚果产量4125.15 kg/hm2,比对照增产7.96%,籽仁产量3118.5 kg/hm2,比对照增产12.48%。

Breeding of A New Peanut Variety Luohua No.10 with High Yield and High Kernel Percent

ZHOU Yanzhong, ZHANG Hongtao, LI Sijia, JI Xiaoling, LI Fei, QIAO Xinmin, HU Wenjing
Crop Research, 2019, 33(1): 23-25,35
peanut; breeding; Luohua No.10

In order to meet the needs of peanut production in the Yangtze River Basin in China,used Zhonghua No.10 and Luohezipi as the parents, a new peanut variety Luohua No.10 with high yield and high kernel percent was selected by using the traditional method and breeding in Hainan. This paper describes the breeding process of the variety. The results of participating in regional trials and production trials showed:The average pod yield in the two - year regional trial was 4645.5 kg/2, which was 2.32% higher than that of the control, and the seed yield was 3513.0 kg/2, which was 6.73% higher than that of the control. The average pod yield in the production test was 4125.15 kg/2, which was 7.96% higher than the control. The seed yield was 3118.5 kg/2, which was 12.48% higher than that of the control.
