
王秀贞, 唐月异, 吴琪, 朱立贵, 孙全喜, 王志伟, 宫清轩, 徐建志, 于树涛, 房超琦, 王传堂
核农学报, 2016, 30(6): 1054-1058  DOI: 10.11869/j.issn.100-8551.2016.06.1054;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 花育662; 高油酸; 分子标记辅助选择

为选育高油酸、高产花生新品种,以高油酸亲本CTWE为父本、高蔗糖亲本06-I8B4为母本搭配杂交组合,结合近红外分析技术与分子标记辅助选择技术育成FAD2B/FAD2A双突变高油酸小花生新品种花育662。该品种油酸含量80.8%,油亚比29.92,出米率高达79.7%。在2012年山东省花生研究所莱西试验农场产量试验中,子仁产量5 132.4 kg·hm-2,略低于对照品种花育33号5 224.5 kg·hm-2的产量水平,2014年通过安徽省品种鉴定。本研究为加速高油酸花生育种进程提供了良好的技术方法。

Development of a New High-oleic Peanut Cultivar Huayu 662 by Using Molecular Marker Aided Selection and NIRS

WANG Xiuzhen, TANG Yueyi, WU Qi, ZHU Ligui, SUN Quanxi, WANG Zhiwei, GONG Qingxuan, XU Jianzhi, YU Shutao, FANG Chaoqi, WANG Chuantang
Acta Agriculturae Nucleatae Sinica, 2016, 30(6): 1054-1058
peanut; Huayu 662; high-oleic; marker-assisted selection

To breed new peanut variety with high-oleic and high-yield, a hybridized combination was made between 06 -I8B4 (high sucrose, female parent) and CTWE (high-oleic, male parent). Using molecular marker technology coupled with NIRS (Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy) assisted selection, Huayu 662, a new high-oleic peanut variety with FAD2B/FAD2A double mutation was finally developed. The seed of Huayu 662 contained 80.8% oleic acid in its total fatty acids. The oleate /linoleate ratio of the cultivar was as high as 29.92. The shelling outturn was 79.7%. In 2012, Huayu 662 produced a kernel yield of 5 132.42 kg·hm -2, comparable to the control Huayu 33 output of 5224.5 kg·hm-2 in yield test on the SPRI Experimental Farm in Laixi, Qingdao, China. The cultivar was approved for release in Anhui province for commercial production in 2014. The research provided a good technical solution to speed up the breeding process of new high-oleic peanuts.
