
陈素花, 郑海辉
福建农业科技, 2011, (6) : 32-34  DOI: 10.13651/j.cnki.fjnykj.2011.06.021;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 新品种; 试种表现; 栽培技术


Performance and cultivation techniques of new peanut cultivar “Puhua2”in Hui’an city

CHEN Su-hua, ZHEN Hai-hui
Fujian Agricultural Science and Technology, 2011, (6) : 32-34
Peanut; new cultivars; performance; cultivation techniques

New peanut cultivar Puhua2 was introduced to Hui-an city in 2010 ~ 2011, and showed the high and stable yielding trait in the areas of Luocheng, Luoyan and Tuzai. The key rinks in the cultural techniques to achieve high yield for this new cultivar include: field selection, reasonable rotation, scientific fertilization, early sowing in good time,rational planting density, strengthening field management, and pest, disease and weed control, ect.
