
崔富华, 赖明芳, 曾孝平
中国油料作物学报, 1998, 20(2): 33-36     追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 品种; 丰产稳产性; 关联度; 高稳系数; 分析


Analysis of potential ity and stability of yield of new peanut variety Tianfu No. 9

Cui Fuhua, Lai Mingfang, Zeng Xiaoping
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 1998, 20(2): 33-36
Peanut; variety; High yield; Related degree; Stability coefficient Analysis

The potentialities and stablities of 12 peanut varieties in the district test in 1989~1993 were analyed by using the methods which applicated in recent years in China. The results showed that the potentiality and stablity of yield of Tianfu No. 9 was the highest amony the 12 varieties in two rounds of district test, which fullfilled the requirement of the phase target variety. The related degree analysis and the stability coefficient methods were regarded as the best methods to evaluating the potentiality and stability of yield of variety.
