
范小玉, 陈雷, 李可, 吴继华, 连少英
河南农业科学, 2015, 44(8): 38-41  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2015.08.008;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 单粒播; 双粒播; 密度; 产量

为了探索花生新品种商花4号合理的单粒播种模式,采取裂区设计,研究单、双粒播不同种植密度对花生主要经济性状和产量的影响。结果表明:单、双粒播种单株生产力和单株结果数随密度增加而降低,饱果率和出仁率随密度增加而增加。单、双粒播荚果产量差异不显著,不同种植密度间花生荚果产量差异显著,单、双粒播种均在22.50万穴/hm2密度下产量达到最高,分别为6991.5、6758.4 kg/hm2,差异不显著。综合分析,商花4号单粒播种+22.50万穴/hm2的种植模式可以实现最佳产量,提高经济效益。

Primary Study on Single-seed Sowing Mode of New Peanut Variety Shanghua 4

FAN Xiaoyu, CHEN Lei, LI Ke, WU Jihua, LIAN Shaoying
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 44(8): 38-41
peanuts; single-seed sowing; double-seed sowing; density; yield

In order to explore a reasonable single-seed sowing mode for the new peanut variety Shanghua 4, the experiment adopted split-spot design and studied the effects of different plant density on characteristic and yield in peanut single-seed and double-seed sowing modes. The results showed that, with the increasing of sowing density, yield and pod number of per plant showed a decreasing trend, the full-pod rate and shelling percentage showed a increasing trend. The pod yield had no significant difference between the single-seed and double-seed sowing modes. The difference of peanut pod yield was significant among different plant densities. In the planting density of 22.50×104 caves/ha, pod yields of single-seed and double-seed modes both reached the highest, 6991.5 kg/ha and 6 758.4 kg/ha, respectively, with no significant difference. In summary, single-seed sowing with planting density of 22.50×104 caves/ha was able to achieve the target yield and increase economic benefits of Shanghua 4.
