
谢吉先, 王书勤, 陈志德, 唐伟, 韩桂琴, 刘荣甫
金陵科技学院学报, 2012, 28(1): 57-60  DOI: 10.16515/j.cnki.32-1722/n.2012.01.014;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
泰花7号; 特征特性; 高产栽培

泰花7号为鲜食及榨油兼用型品种,具有株型紧凑、结荚集中、抗逆性强、高产优质、食味好、适应性广等特点。根据泰花7号的特征特性,分析了不同种植密度、播期及肥料用量对泰花7号产量的影响。结果表明:泰花7号在沿江高沙土地区种植的适宜密度为15万穴/hm2;夏播播期视茬口状况,以早播为好;复合肥料(N:P:K=15:15:15)用量为600~750 kg/hm2,同时配以75~112.5 kg/hm2的尿素作基肥;中后期视苗情进行人工化控,并及时做好叶斑病、蛴螬等病虫害的防治。

The Characteristics and High-yield Culturing Techniques of a New Peanut Variety— — Taihua No. 7

XIE Ji-xian, WANG Shu-qin, CHEN Zhi-de, TANG Wei, HAN Gui-qin, LIU Rong-fu
Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology, 2012, 28(1): 57-60
Taihua No. 7; characteristics; high-yield culturing techniques

Taihua No. 7 is a new pea nut variety for both fresh ea ting and oil manufacture, andis typical for its compact plant type, concentrated pods, strong stress resistance, high yield and quality, good taste and wide suitability. Based on these characteristics of Taihua No.7, the paper explores the influences of different planting densities, seeding dates and fertilizer application o n the yield. The result s show that Taihua No.7 is sui table fo r growing in high-sandy soil in Jiangsu province, with the proper density o f 150000 holes/hm2. The seeding date in summer depends on specific cases and early sowing is better. It is appropriate to apply compound fertilizers of 600~750 kg/hm2 N:P:K (15:15:15) , with the base fertilizer of 75~112.5 kg/hm2 urea. Depending o n the plant situations, artificial chemical control and prevention of Cercospora leaf spot and g rubs should be adopted in middle/later stages.
