
王德民, 来敬伟, 崔凤高, 史红志, 吴正锋, 郭立
花生学报, 2011, 40(2): 40-42  DOI: 10.14001/j.issn.1002-4093.2011.02.010;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花育25号; 高产创建; 关键技术

花育25号是山东省花生研究所选育的直立、疏枝、普通型大花生新品种,具有丰产稳产、单株生产力高、耐密植、耐旱、抗倒、抗叶斑病、休眠期长、不易落果等突出特点。2009~2010年参与高产创建,连续两年高产攻关田突破9000 kg/hm2,大面积高产示范片突破6000 kg/hm2。该品种适宜在当地及高产花生田中推广种植,栽培上要合理轮作换茬,增施有机肥,全量平衡施肥,适期晚播,适当增加密度,少量多次化控。

Huayu 25 and High-yield Cultivation Practice

WANG De-min , LAI Jing-wei , CUI Feng-gao , SHI Hong-zhi , WU Zheng-feng , GUO Li
Journal of Peanut Science, 2011, 40(2): 40-42
huayu 25; hig h-yield cultivation; key technology

Huayu 25 is a new peanut variety with erect and thin branches bred by Shandong Peanut Research Institute. The major advantages of the variety is its high and stable product, high grain yield per plant, high-density-tolerance, drought prevention, lodging resistance, resistance to leaf spot, long dormant period, not easily pod drop. Through two years high-yield cultivation practice in 2009 and 2010, it broke through 9000 kg/hm2 in two consecutive years and was 6000 kg/hm2 in large area high yield fields. It was proposed to cultivate in high yield field of local and similar area with attention to reasonable rotation, increase organic manure application, plenty balanced fertilization, late sowing in proper time, add planting density properly, and small dosage and multiple times application of mepiquat chloride.
