
周彦忠, 姬小玲, 李伟, 张耀匀
河南农业科学, 2012, 41(3): 61-62,66  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2012.03.029;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 品种; 漯花4号

漯花4号是漯河市农业科学院选育的适应河南省花生生产发展需要的高产、稳产、抗病花生新品种。2007-2008年参加了河南省花生区域试验,2009年参加了河南省花生生产试验。3 a平均荚果产量比对照豫花11号增产8.24%;抗花生网斑病,感花生锈病,抗花生病毒病;蛋白质含量为24.39%,粗脂肪含量为52.72%,油酸亚油酸比值(O/L)为1.11。2010年3月通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。

Breeding of High Yield, Stable Yield and Disease Resistant Peanut Variety Luohua No.4

ZHOU Yan-zhong, JI Xiao-ling, LI Wei, ZHANG Yao-yun
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 41(3): 61-62,66
peanut; variety; Luohua No.4

Luohua No.4, bred by Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was a new peanut variety with high and stable yield and disease resistant, which adapted to the peanut production development in Henan province. It was tested respectively in Henan regional trail and Henan production trail of new peanut varieties during 2007 to 2009。and the average pod production out yielded 8.24% than the control variety Yuhua 11. The variety was resistant to peanut web blotch and peanut virus disease and susceptible to peanut rust. In addition, the protein content of Luohua 4 was 24.39%, the oil content was 52.72%, and the O/L ratio was 1.11. It was certificated and released by Henan Examination and Approval Committee of Crop Variety in March 201O.
