
吴继华, 李可, 陈雷, 范小玉, 关红英
河南农业科学, 2013, 42(7): 43-45  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2013.07.025;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 珍珠豆型; 商花5号; 选育; 产量; 品质

商花5号是商丘市农林科学院与河南省农业科学院合作,以豫花9414为母本、远杂9102为父本,经品种间有性杂交和系统选育而育成的高产、抗病、早熟、优质珍珠豆型花生新品种。2009-2010年河南省珍珠豆型优质花生品种区域试验中商花5号平均荚果产量和籽仁产量分别为4526.10、3379.50 kg/hm2,平均比对照品种(2009年为豫花14号,2010年为远杂9102)增产10.41%、9.80%;2011年生产试验的荚果产量和籽粒产量分别为4261.05、3178.50kg/hm2,比对照品种远杂9102增产8.13%、6.96%。品质优,抗病性强,稳产性和适应性好。该品种于2012年6月通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号:豫审花2012003,证书编号:2012040),适于河南各地春、夏播种植。

Breeding of a High-Yield,Early-Maturity and High-Quality New Pearl Bean Type Peanut Variety Shanghua 5

WU Ji-hua, LI Ke, CHEN Lei, FAN Xiao-yu, GUAN Hong-ying
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2013, 42(7): 43-45
peanut; pear bean type; Shanghua 5; breeding; yield; quality

Shanghua 5 was bred by Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which had the high-yielding, disease-resistant, early-maturing and high-quality characters. Female and male parents of Shanghua 5 respectively were Yuhua 9414 and Yuanza 9102. The variety took part in pear bean type peanut regional tests in Henan province in 2009—2010, and its average yields of pods and seeds respectively were 4526.10 and 3379.50 kg/ha, increased by 10.41% and 9.80% compared to CK; The pod and seed yields in the production experiment in 2011 were 4261.05 and 3178.50 kg/ha, respectively, increased by 8.13% and 6.96% compared to CK. Moreover, the regional tests showed that the variety had the high-yielding, disease-resistant, stable-yield and wide-adaptability characters. The variety was passed by the Crop Variety Appraisal Committee of Henan Province in June 2012 (validation code: 2D12003, certificate number: 2012040), which was suitable for spring and summer planting in Henan.
