
梁炫强, 李少雄, 李一聪, 黎穗临, 周桂元, 郑广柔, 黎秀英
花生学报, 2003, 32(2): 12-15  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2003.02.003;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 早熟; 耐寒; 品种


Development of a New Peanut Variety,Yueyou 5, with High Yield, Early Maturity and Tolerant to Cold

LIANG Xuan-qiang, LI Shao-xiong, LI Yi-cong, LI Sui-lin, ZHOU Gui-yuan, ZHENG Guang-rou, LI Xiu-ying
Journal of Peanut Science, 2003, 32(2): 12-15
peanut; early maturity; tolerance to cold; variety

Yueyou 5, a high-yielding peanut variety with early maturity and tolerance to cold w as derived f rom a mult icross of [(Yueyou 116 × PI381622) F1 × Yueyou 116] F1 × (Guiyou 28 × ICG8641)F1. It gave an average seed yield of 2.9 t ha-1 and outyielded the control variety by 9.85% in Guangdong Provincial New Peanut Varieties Trial during 1996~1997. Yueyou 5 matures 6~7 days earlier than the local varieties and tolerance to cold stress during germination in spring season. It was released by Crops Varieties Approval Committee in Guangdong and rewarded by the Guangdong Provincial Government in 2002.
