
廖伯寿, 唐桂英, 王玉莹, 李栋, 雷永, 刘增林, 崔富华, 杨国保
中国油料作物学报, 2003, 25(2): 86-88  DOI: 10.3321/j.issn:1007-9084.2003.02.023;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 高含油量; 品种


Breeding and utilization of a new peanut cultivar, Zhonghua No.5, with high oil content

LIAO Bo-shou, TANG Gui-ying, WANG Yu-ying, LI Dong, LEI Yong, LIU Zeng-lin, CUI Fu-hua, YANG Guo-bao
Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2003, 25(2): 86-88
Peanut; High oil content; Cultivar

Zhonghua No.5 was a new peanut cultivar with improved seed quality. It was developed through artificial hybridization and modified pedigree selection. In various trials, it significantly outyielded the control cultivars with desirable stability across locations. It possessed a high oil content as 55.46%, high shelling percentage as 75% and desirable resistance to drought and late leafspot. In 1998, it was released by the Crop Varietal Approval Committee in Hubei, Sichuan provinces and the Central Government. It was rewarded by the Hubei Provincial Government in 2001.
