
唐兆秀, 徐日荣, 蓝新隆
中国农学通报, 2009, 25(23): 232-237     追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 选育; 高产; 生理

为选育出适合福建省生态条件下的抗青枯病花生新品种,解决福建省花生抗青枯病区抗病品种缺乏,老品种抗性衰退问题。2002年春季福建省农业科学院作物所以梧油7号为母本,作物所选育的中间材料9817-36-2作父本,有性杂交,混合法选择,育成丰产、适应性广、抗青枯病的花生新品种福花3号。该品种2007-2008年参加福建省春花生区域试验,英果产量266.63 kg/667m2,比对照增产6.58%,籽仁产量174.3 kg/667m2,比对照增产3.54%。粗脂肪含量52.26%,蛋白质含量28.34%;中抗(MR)青枯病,生育期129天左右。2009年春季进行生产试验,同年7月通过了福建省非主要农作物品种认定委员会花生专业组现场验收。鲜果产量565.8 kg/667m2,比对照泉花10号增产30.0%。对其生育特性观察及高产生理研究结果认为,福花3号由于前期花量大,有效花为39.3朵,果针数为30.5个,饱果数为10.0个,成针率为57.7%,成果率为20.5%均比对照高。除了在幼苗期LAI比对照低外,开花下针期、结荚期和饱果成熟期均比对照高;幼苗期的NAR比对照种高31.31%,开花下针期,NAR比对照低12.4%,结荚期NAR比对照高18.4%,在饱果成熟期,NAR比对照低24.2%,饱果成熟期的积累率幼苗期为1.28%,开花下针期为28.5%、结荚期为48.3%、饱果成熟期为21.9%、产量形成期为49.6%;结荚期经济系数36.99,饱果成熟期为47.49;保持一定的干物质积累率和较高的经济系数,是其获的高产的一个重要生理基础,有较多的干物质充实到库中,库、源的协调性好,因而产量较高。

Breeding of a New Peanut Variety Fuhua 3 and the Physiological Foundation of High Yield

Tang Zhaoxiu, Xu Rirong, Lan Xinlong
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009, 25(23): 232-237
peanut; breeding; high yield; physiology

In order to solve the problem of lack of resistant varieties and old varieties of resistance to recession of peanut of Fujian Province, it is very important to selection the new anti-bacteria peanut variety suitable ecological conditions in Fujian Province. The new variety, Fuhua 3 nurtured by Institute of Crop Sciences, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has the high-yielding, drought-tolerant and adaptive extensive characters. The variety took part in Fujian province in 2007-2008 spring peanut regional tests, and carried on the production experiment in 2009 spring, and field acceptance passed by peanut professional group of the non-major crop variety appraisal committee of Fujian Province in July the same year. Pod yield was 266.63 kg/ 667m2, increased 6.58% compared to the control and yield seeds was 174.3 kg/667m2, increased 3.54% compared to the control in Fujian province in 2007-2008 spring peanut regional tests. Fresh fruit yield was 565.8 kg/667m2, increased 30.0% compared to the control Quanhua 10 in the production experiment. The seeds had 52.26% crude fat content, protein content 28.34% and middle resistance to the bacterial wilt. The growth period of the Fuhua 3 was about 129 days. Fuhua 3 had big number of flower in earlier period, and percentage of formed pegs and the number of full pods were higher than the control. The LAI of flowering and pegging stage, bearing pod stage and pod setting stage were all higher than that of the control, except the seedling stage. The NAR of seedling stage, bearing pod stage and yield-forming stage, accumulation rate in pod setting stage and economical coefficient of yield-forming were higher than the control. Maintains certain percentage of dry matter accumulation and the high economical coefficient were the high production important physiological foundation. Many dry materials enrich the sink, and the good coordination between the sink and source, thus the output was high.
