
任艳, 石延茂, 王辉, 李双铃, 董伟博, 刁志凯, 袁美
山东农业科学, 2010, (2) : 107-108  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-4942.2010.02.032;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 花育27号; 选育; 栽培技术要点

花育27号是山东省花生研究所以D140为母本、鲁花15号为父本杂交,F1代经60Co-γ照射后系统选育而成。在山东省2005~2006年区域试验中,666.7 m2平均荚果产量302.62 kg,籽仁产量228.60 kg,分别比对照鲁花12号增产9.72%和13.40%。2007年生产试验,666.7 m2荚果产量248.4 kg,籽仁产量176.1 kg,分别比对照鲁花12号增产8.9%和7.5%。2008年通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定。

Breeding and Key Cultivation Technology of New High-yielding Peanut Variety Huayu 27

REN Yan, SHI Yan-mao, WANG Hui, LI Shuang-ling, DONG Wei-bo, DIAO Zhi-kai, YUAN Mei
Peanut; Huayu 27; Breeding; Key cultivation technology

Huayu 27 is a new high-yielding peanut variety from a cross with D140 as female parent and Luhua 15 as male parent by 60Co-γ radiation on F1 seeds and pedigree selection. In the regional tests of Shandong Province in 2005 and 2006, its mean pod yield was 302.62 kg per 666.7 m2, and its mean kernel yield was 228.60 kg per 666.7 m2, which increased by 9.72% and 13.40% compared with those of the check Luhua 12. In the production test in 2007, its pod and kernel yield were 248.4 kg and 176.1 kg per 666.7 m2 respectively, and were 8.9% and 7.5% more than those of the check Luhua 12 respectively. It was approved by Shandong Provincial Crops Approval Committee in 2008.
