Breeding of a New Peanut Variety Shanghua No.6 with High Shelling Percentage and Big Fruit

Hongjun WANG, Jihua WU, Xiaoyu FAN, Ke LI, Lei CHEN, Hongying GUAN
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2016, 17(4): 877-879  DOI: 10.16175/j.cnki.1009-4229.2016.04.026;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
High shelling percentage; Big fruit; Peanut varieties; ShanghuaNo.6; Breeding
Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences;Shangqiu Polytechnic

Shanghua No.6, a new peanut variety with high shelling percentage and bigfruit, was bred through sexual hybridization (female parent Pukehua No.2 × male parent Yuanza 9102) by Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. In the big peanut regional tests in north China in 2011-2012, Shanghua No.6 had the average yield of pod and seed respectively of 4695.30 kg/hm2 and 3514.73 kg/hm2; in the production test in 2013, its average yield of pod and seed were 4531.05 kg/hm2 and 3312.15 kg/hm2. Its crude fat content was 50.46-53.46%, oleic acid content was 50.9-51.7%, and oil oleic acid/linoleic acid value was 1.69-1.76. The variety was high-resistant to brown spot and focal spot, susceptible to black spot, resistant to net blotch and stem rot. Its 100-pod weight was 256.2 g, 100-seed weight 111.2 g, and shelling percentage was 74.75%. The variety was certificated by National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2014 (identification number: 2014010), which was suitable for planting in Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Liaoning, Beijing, north of Huaihe River in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces.


王红军, 吴继华, 范小玉, 李可, 陈雷, 关红英
农业科学与技术(英文版), 2016, 17(4): 877-879

商花6号是商丘市农林科学院以濮科花2号为母本,远杂9102为父本,经品种间有性杂交育成的高出仁率大果花生新品种。在2011~2012年全国北方区大果花生品种区域试验中,商花6号平均荚果产量4695.30 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量3514.73 kg/hm2;2013年全国北方区大果花生品种生产试验中,商花6号平均荚果产量4531.05 kg/hm2,平均籽仁产量3312.15 kg/hm2。该品种粗脂肪含量为150.46%~53.46%,油酸含量为50.9%~51.7%,油亚比为1.69~1.76,高抗花生褐斑病和焦斑病,感花生黑斑病,抗网斑病和茎腐病,百果质量为256.2 g,百仁质量为111.2 g,出仁率为74.75%。商花6号于2014年通过国家农作物品种鉴定委员会鉴定(鉴定编号:国品鉴花生2014010)。该品种适宜在山东、河南、河北、辽宁、北京及江苏、安徽两省淮河以北大果花生产区种植。
