
周彦忠, 姬小玲, 姜连英, 郭玉生, 李斯佳
河南农业科学, 2015, 44(3): 45-47  DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2015.03.011;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 品种; 漯花4016; 选育; 高产; 稳产; 高出仁率


Breeding of New Peanut Variety Luohua 4016 with High Yield, Stable Yield and High Kernel Percent

ZHOU Yanzhong, JI Xiaoling, JIANG Lianying, GUO Yusheng, LI Sijia
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 44(3): 45-47
peanut; variety; Luohua 4016; breeding; high yield; stable yield; high kernel percent
Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Agricultural Office of Jishi Town Government

Luohua 4016, which was bred by Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences to meet the requirement of peanut production in northern China, is a new peanut variety with high and stable yield, and high kernel percent. It was tested in the national peanut regional and production tests in northern China and the peanut production test in Henan province from 2009 to 2012, respectively. The results showed that the average pod production and the average seed production of Luohua 4016 were 11.00% and 13.64% higher than that of Huayu 19 (the control variety in national test), respectively, with average kernel percent of 72.08%, and they were 9.71% and 11.76% higher than that of Yuhua 15 (the control variety in Henan penut production test), respectively, with average kernel percent of 73.90%. Luohua 4016 was resistant to peanut leaf spot and peanut black spot disease, but highly susceptible to peanut web blotch. In addition, the crude protein content of Luohua 4016 was 23.05%, the crude fat content was 53.87%, and the oleic acid/linoleic acid (O/L) value was 1.23. It passed the national new peanut variety identification in February 2012. Moreover, it was examined and approved by Henan Examination and Approval Committee of Crops Variety in May 2013.
