
闵华, 谢为民, 付晓记, 熊慧薇, 冯健雄
安徽农业科学, 2014, 42(25): 8540-8541  DOI: 10.13989/j.cnki.0517-6611.2014.25.024;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 赣花7号; 选育; 栽培技术


Breeding of a New Processing Peanut Variety Ganhua No.7 and the High-yielding Cultivation Techniques

MIN Hua et al
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2014, 42(25): 8540-8541
Peanut; Ganhua No.7; Breeding; Cultivation technique

The peanut variety Ganhua No.7 (formerly named Ganhua 92-01) was systematically bred by Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural sciences. Ganhua No.7 has outstanding characleristics, such as early maturity, high quality, low in fat, high in surgar and excellent processing character. Ganhua No.7 was certificated by Crop Variety Approval Committee of Jiangxi Province in 20l1, which has a great development and application prosepct.
