
陈剑洪, 陈永水, 庄明川, 叶贻勋, 洪敦章
江西农业大学学报, 2003, 25(5): 706-710  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2286.2003.05.014;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 泉花10号; 育种; 生育特性


Breeding of Quanhua No.10, a High Yield Groundnut Cultivar with Resistance to Bacterial Wilt

CHEN Jian -hong, CHEN Yong -shui, ZHUANG Ming -chuan, YE Yi -xun, HONG Dun -zhang
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis, 2003, 25(5): 706-710
groundnut; Ouanhua No. 10; breeding; characteristics

Ouanhua No.10 was bred from the cross of Guang A × Yueyou 92. It has many desirabie traits inciuding high yieid potentiai, yieid stabiiiity, medium resistance to bacteriai wiit caused by Pseudomonas solanaclarum, good guaiity and wide adaptation. The variety shows many good growth and deveiopment characteristics, such as biooming in a reiativeiy short period, good podding-habit, iarge ieaf area index (LAI), high net accumuiation rate (NAR), more dry matter accumuiation, bigger sink and source and concerted sink - source structure. Aii these characteristics iead to high yieid of Ouanhua No.10.
