
陈剑洪, 陈永水, 陈双龙, 罗维禄, 陈茹艳, 庄明川
花生学报, 2008, 37(3): 41-44  DOI: 10.14001/j.issn.1002-4093.2008.03.009;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 选育; 泉花7号; 加工专用; 生育特性


Breeding of a New Peanut Variety Quanhua 7

CHEN Jian-hong, CHEN Yong-shui, CHEN Shuang-long, LUO Wei-lu, CHEN Ru-yan, ZHUANG Ming-chuan
Journal of Peanut Science, 2008, 37(3): 41-44
peanut; breeding; Quanhua 7; characteristics; processing special-purpose

Quanhua 7 was bred from the cross of 028-9×205-1. It has many desirable traits including high yield potential, yield stability, good quality and suitable for processing. The variety shows many good growth and development characteristics, such as large leaf area index (LAI), high net assimilation rate (NAR), more dry matter accumulation, bigger sink and source and concerted sinksource structure. All these characteristics lead to high yield of Quanhua 7.
