
庄伟建, 石新国, 陈华, 王再兴, 官德义, 蔡来龙, 李毓
福建农业学报, 2010, 25(3): 303-309  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-0384.2010.03.013;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 闽花6号; 选育; 遗传特性


Breeding and good characteristics of a new peanut variety, Minhua 6

ZHUANG Wei-jian, SHI Xin-guo, CHEN Hua, WANG Zai-xin, GUAN de-yi, CAI Lai-long, LI Yu
Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2010, 25(3): 303-309
peanut; Minhua 6; breeding; genetic characteristics

Minhua 6 was bred from the cross between Shanyou 523 and Q6 at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. It was released by Fujian Crop Variety Approval Committee in early 2006, and has been certified as a nationally identified new peanut variety by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture in 2009. The variety has shown excellent characteristics of high-yield, high-protein content and medium A spergillus flavus- resistance in the regional tests on both provincial and national levels. The new breed had more branches on shorter main stalks, more number of pods and mature pods per plant with higher shelling rate than the existing varieties. The oil content of Minhua 6 was 50.08% and the protein content 31.72%. Thus, it belonged to the high-protein peanuts with a combined fat and protein content of 81.8%. The data obtained at the regional tests in Fujian were analyzed using AMMI model indicating that Minhua 6 was of high yield with high environmental adaptability. The pathway analysis on Minhua 6 showed that the contribution level of the agronomic characteristics was in the following order: rate of full pods> pod number per plant> 100 pod weight> height of main stalk> number of branches > shelling percentage> length of secondary branches> 100 kernel weight> number of branch born pods per plant.
