
刘登望, 李林, 邹冬生, 杨友才, 高菊生, 王正功, 刘飞, 刘明新
花生学报, 2009, 38(3): 31-35  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2009.03.008;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 品种; 高产; 优质; 油亚比


Breeding of High-yielding and Good Quality Groundnut Cultivar Xiangnong Xiaohuasheng

LIU Deng-wang, LI Lin, ZOU Dong-sheng, YANG You-cai, GAO Ju-sheng, WANG Zheng-gong, LIU Fei, LIU Ming-xin
Journal of Peanut Science, 2009, 38(3): 31-35
groundnut; cultivar; high yielding; good quality; oleic acid /linoleic acid (O/L)

:"Xiangnong Xiaohuasheng", a spanish type small peanut cult ivar, w as bred by sexual hy bridizatio n ( Xianghuasheng 1 ×Xiang tan Xiaozi ) by Hunan Ag ricultural Universi ty .It has outstanding characteri st ics :1) On the basis o f keeping nice t radit ional taste quality o f lo cal small-seed cultiv ar, it amounted 3717 .6 kg /hm2 po d yield, stably and sig nificant ly higher than co ntro l cult ivar Qiy ang Xiaozi by 12 .5 %in Hunan provincial peanut cul tivar regio nal t rial .2) The o leic acid to linoleic acid rat io ( O /L) amo unt s to 1 .36, hig he r than the export ing peanut breeding target ( 1 .30) made by national science and technolo gy planning project , means long shelf life .It has good commercial quali ty as w ell .3) Early maturat ion, st rong seed do rmancy, st rong sy nthetical resistance, i .e .high acid soil resistance, bear to barren land, high resistance to leaf spot disease, middle resi stance to rust disease, Leptosphaerulira crussiasa ( Sechet ) Jackson &Bell, light Cort icium rolf sii Sacca rdo and Rhizoctonia spp infectio n .It w as registered and released by C ro ps Varie ty Approval Commit tee of Hunan Pro vince in April 2009 .
