
郑奕雄, 林少华, 赵玉环, 祁桂林, 陈贤友, 黄维英
广东农业科学, 2005, (4) : 43-44  DOI: 10.16768/j.issn.1004-874x.2005.04.016;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 汕油162; 特征特性; 栽培技术

汕油162是汕头市农业科学研究所与仲恺农业技术学院联合以湛油30为母本、泉花9号为父本进行有性杂交选育而成的珍珠豆型花生新品种,具有高产稳产、高抗锈病和叶斑病、中抗青枯病、出仁率和含油率较高等优点。该品种参加2002~2003年广东省花生新品种区域试验,平均每667 m2干荚果产量287.10 kg,比对照种汕油523增产9.25%,增产达极显著水平,2004年通过了广东省农作物品种审定。栽培上要求采取适期早播、增施基肥和及时除虫等技术措施。

Characteristics performance of a new peanut variety Shanyou 162 and its main cultivation technologies

ZHENG Yi-xiong, LIN Shao-hua, ZHAO Yu-huan, QI Gui-lin, CHEN Xian-you, HUANG Wei-ying
Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2005, (4) : 43-44
peanut; shanyou 162; characteristic; cultivation technology

The new Spanish peanut variety Shanyou 162 was developed from the multicross of Zhanyou 30 × Quanhua No.9, bred in Shantou Research Institute of Agricultural Science and Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Technology. It possessed stable high yield, high resistance to both rust and leafpot, middle resistance to bacterial wilt, good oil content and shelling percentage. The variety gave an average pod yield of 287.10 kg/667 m2 which outyielded the control Shanyou 523 by 9.25% in Regional Test of Guangdong during 2002-2003. It was released by Guangdong Crops Variety Approval Committee in 2004. The cultivation technologies of Shanyou 162 included sowing as early as possible in season, additional application of fertilizers, controlling pests on time etc.
