
王传堂, 王秀贞, 唐月异, 张建成, 陈殿绪, 崔风高, 曲明静, 徐建志, 杨新道
花生学报, 2009, 38(3): 29-30  DOI: 10.14001/j.issn.1002-4093.2009.03.007;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 花育31号; 选育; 区组间杂交

花育31号是山东省花生研究所生物技术部分子育种组利用不亲和野生种育成的国内外首个大粒型的花生属区组间杂种品种。在山东省两年区试中,平均荚果产量341.65 kg/666.6m2,籽仁产量248.97 kg/666.6m2,分别比对照鲁花11号增产8.16%和9.26%。生产试验荚果产量331.05 kg/666.6m2,籽仁产量243.68 kg/666.6m2,分别比对照丰花1号增产7.19%和11.78%.2009年3月23日通过山东省品种审定委员会审定。

Breeding of Huayu 31, a New Peanut Cultivar Derived from an Intersectional Cross

WANG Chuan-tang, WANG Xiu-zhen, TANG Yue-yi, ZHANG Jian-cheng, CHEN Dian-xu, CUI Feng-gao, QU Ming-jing, XU Jian-zhi, YANG Xin-dao
Journal of Peanut Science, 2009, 38(3): 29-30

Bred at Molecular Breeding Unit, Biotech Division, Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Huayu 31 is the first large-seed peanut cultivar derived from an intersectional cross. In 2-year multi-location variety evaluatio n test of Shandong province, on average , Huayu 31 produced a pod yield of 341.65 kg /666.6 m2 and a kernel yield of 248.97 kg /666.6 m2, outyielding local control Luhua 11 by 8.16% and 9.26%, respectively. In production evaluation test, its pod and kernel yield reached 331.05 kg/666.6 m2 and 243.68 kg /666.6 m2, regi stering an increase of 7.19% and 11.78% over the local control Fenghua 1. Huayu 31 was released by the Shandong Provincial Crops A pproval Committee in 2009.
