
杨余, 范燕, 赵雪飞, 刘晓光
花生学报, 2011, 40(3): 40-45  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1002-4093.2011.03.010;      追溯原文......本站官方QQ群:62473826
花生; 航天育种; 新品种选育; 唐花11号


Application of Space Breeding Technology in Breeding of New Peanut Variety Tanghua 11

Journal of Peanut Science, 2011, 40(3): 40-45

Tanghua 11 (K2-5), a new peanut variety with high yield and high quality, was screened. The screening process: primarily, space mutagenesis which combined the creation of new germplasm and new varieties with recoverable satellite which picked up the peanut cultivated in 1996. Then the mutagenesis progenies were screened through field individual plant selection, group selection, varieties comparison, regional test and production demonstration, etc. Besides, two new highprotein peanuts strains, K2-5-6 and K2-33-9, were bred. It solved the problems of peanut planting varieties absence, aging and the lack of new varieties in Hebei province, and improved the peanuts commodity market competitiveness. It played a positive role in increasing income of farmers and promoted industry development. Tanghua 11 was identified in December 2010.
